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Product type Parts No.
Product sub-type English Name

Search ResultApplicable items : 28items

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Model Name Start
SerialNumber Parts No. Change Parts Alternative Parts English Name
YBL-322E 1984
YBL-322R 1984
YBL-322RE 1993
YBL-421GE 1994〜
YBL-421GSE 1994〜
YBL-612(#201619-) 1984
YBL-612(2) 1994
YBL-612R 1984
YBL-612R(2) 1994
YBL-613H 1995
YBL-613HEL 2005
YBL-613HS 2005
YBL-620GE 2001〜
YBL-620GSE 2005〜
YBL-322 1976
YBL-421G 1994〜
YBL-612 1976
YBL-613 1980
YBL-613R 1980
YBL-622 2001
YBL-622S 2005
YBL-822G 2006〜
YBL-830 2006
YBL-835 2023〜
YBL-835D 2023〜
YBL-835G 2023〜
YBL-835GD 2023〜
YBL-835S 2023〜